1. Introduction

This Academic Integrity Policy establishes the principles, standards, and procedures for maintaining academic integrity at Menschforce Community College. Academic integrity is fundamental to the educational mission of the college, ensuring the fair and honest assessment of student learning. This policy aims to provide a framework for promoting ethical behavior, preventing academic misconduct, and addressing violations in a fair and consistent manner. The implementation of this policy is guided by legal and regulatory frameworks to ensure compliance with applicable laws.

2. Legal Context

The implementation of this Academic Integrity Policy is guided by various legal and regulatory frameworks, including but not limited to:

Education Laws:

Compliance with education laws and regulations governing academic standards, assessment, and integrity in educational institutions.

Intellectual Property Laws:

Respecting intellectual property rights and copyright laws when using and attributing others’ work.

Anti-Plagiarism Laws:

Adhering to laws related to plagiarism, which vary by jurisdiction and may have legal consequences.

Privacy Laws:

Ensuring the privacy and protection of student records and information in accordance with relevant data protection laws.

Failure to comply with these legal requirements may result in legal challenges, loss of accreditation, reputational damage, and other adverse consequences. This Academic Integrity Policy is designed to mitigate these risks and ensure legal compliance.

3. Objectives

The primary objectives of this Academic Integrity Policy are as follows:

Promote Ethical Conduct:

To promote a culture of academic honesty and ethical behavior among students, faculty, and staff.

Prevent Academic Misconduct:

To establish clear expectations and guidelines to prevent academic misconduct, including plagiarism, cheating, and unauthorized collaboration.

Fair and Consistent Response:

To ensure a fair and consistent response to allegations of academic misconduct, including investigation, adjudication, and disciplinary actions.

Educate and Inform:

To provide educational resources and information to students and faculty about academic integrity standards and consequences.

4. Academic Integrity Violations

4.1 Plagiarism:

a. Definition:

Plagiarism involves presenting someone else’s work, ideas, or intellectual property as one’s own without proper citation or attribution.

b. Forms of Plagiarism:

Plagiarism may include, but is not limited to, copying text, images, or ideas without proper attribution, paraphrasing without citation, and submitting someone else’s work as one’s own.

4.2 Cheating:

a. Definition:

Cheating includes any form of dishonest or unauthorized assistance in completing academic assignments, exams, or assessments.

b. Examples:

Cheating may involve using unauthorized materials, copying from another student, communicating with others during exams, or any other deceptive practices to gain an unfair advantage.

4.3 Unauthorized Collaboration:

a. Definition:

Unauthorized collaboration occurs when students collaborate on assignments or exams without proper authorization from the instructor.

b. Guidelines:

Instructors will provide clear guidelines on the level of collaboration permitted for each assignment or assessment.

4.4 Fabrication:

a. Definition:

Fabrication involves the creation or falsification of data, information, or citations in academic work.

b. Examples:

Fabrication may include inventing research data, citing nonexistent sources, or falsifying information in assignments or research projects.

4.5 Multiple Submissions:

a. Definition:

Submitting the same work for multiple courses without prior approval from the instructors involved is considered a violation of academic integrity.

b. Approval Process:

Students must seek approval from both instructors before submitting the same work for multiple courses.

5. Reporting Academic Integrity Violations

5.1 Reporting Process:

a. Faculty Responsibility:

Faculty members who suspect or identify an academic integrity violation are responsible for reporting the incident to the appropriate authorities.

b. Student Reporting:

Students who observe or suspect academic misconduct are encouraged to report the incident to the instructor or relevant academic authority.

5.2 Confidentiality:

a. Maintaining Confidentiality:

The college is committed to maintaining confidentiality during the investigation of academic integrity violations to the extent permitted by law.

6. Investigation and Adjudication

6.1 Preliminary Investigation:

a. Faculty Review:

The faculty member involved will conduct a preliminary review of the suspected violation, gathering evidence and information.

b. Student Response:

The student accused of the violation will be given an opportunity to respond to the allegations during the preliminary investigation.

6.2 Formal Investigation:

a. Academic Integrity Committee:

If the faculty member determines that a formal investigation is warranted, the case will be referred to the Academic Integrity Committee.

b. Evidence Gathering:

The Academic Integrity Committee will gather additional evidence and interview relevant parties as necessary.

6.3 Adjudication:

a. Hearing Process:

The Academic Integrity Committee will conduct a fair and impartial hearing, allowing the accused student to present their case and respond to the evidence.

b. Decision:

The committee will make a decision based on the evidence presented and determine whether a violation has occurred.

7. Consequences of Academic Integrity Violations

7.1 Academic Consequences:

a. Grade Penalty:

Academic consequences may include a grade penalty for the specific assignment, exam, or course in which the violation occurred.

b. Assignment Resubmission:

In some cases, students may be given the opportunity to resubmit the assignment with a grade cap.

7.2 Disciplinary Actions:

a. Disciplinary Actions:

Repeat or severe violations may result in additional disciplinary actions, including academic probation, suspension, or expulsion.

b. Educational Interventions:

The college may implement educational interventions, such as workshops on academic integrity, for students found in violation.

8. Appeal Process

a. Right to Appeal:

Students have the right to appeal decisions related to academic integrity violations.

b. Appeals Committee:

An appeals committee, separate from the initial decision-making process, will review appeals and make final determinations.

9. Education and Prevention

a. Orientation Programs:

The college will conduct orientation programs to educate students about academic integrity standards and expectations.

b. Workshops and Resources:

Ongoing workshops and resources will be provided to both students and faculty to enhance awareness and understanding of academic integrity.

10. Support Services

a. Counseling Services:

The college provides counseling services to support students who may be experiencing stress, pressure, or challenges related to academic work.

11. Review and Revision

This Academic Integrity Policy will be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary to reflect changes in best practices, legal requirements, and the evolving needs of [Menschforce college]. Feedback from faculty, students, and relevant stakeholders will be considered in the revision process.

contact information:

call us:+1 778-607-2065

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address : 9850 king georgeBlvd 3rd floor, surrey,BC V3T OP9,canada.


This Academic Integrity Policy is vital for upholding the principles of honesty, fairness, and ethical behavior within the academic community at Menschforce Community College. Adherence to this policy not only ensures legal compliance but also contributes to the development of a positive and respectful learning environment. All members of the college community, including students and faculty, are expected to familiarize themselves with this policy and actively contribute to its successful implementation.